Sponsors Directory

The following companies support SAPFM by advertising in our annual journal American Period Furniture. The journal is one of the benefits of becoming a member.

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North Bennet Street School

G Updated
North Bennet Street School



  • Schools & Instruction

NBSS 0380 8846North Bennet Street School’s mission is to train students for careers in traditional trades that use hand skills in concert with evolving technology, to preserve and advance craft traditions, and to promote greater appreciation of craftsmanship.NBSS 2016 Cabinet 817

Our students create custom pieces that will last for generations. We offer a full-time, two-year career training program in Cabinet & Furniture Making, a Three-Month Furniture Making Intensive, and dozens of short workshops in fine woodworking techniques.

NBSS 0443 8550NBSS is honored to have numerous alumni included among SAPFM’s Cartouche Awards recipients, including Will Neptune, Jeffrey Roberts, Phil Lowe, Daniel Faia and the School itself.NBSS 0364 8846