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Secretary - full view
Secretary - open

Makers Challenge

Tom Smoller
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The secretary pictured is a reproduction of one of secretaries owned by Museum of Art, Rhode Island Scholl of Design (Item 04-042).  It is 8-1/2 feet tall and the lower case is 42” wide.  The museum graciously provided hi-res pictures, which I used to make detailed drawings.  After researching the nine Newport Six Shell Secretaries, I chose this one because I liked the open bonnet, the 180 degree corner columns and the well inside the desk.
I made mine out of cherry.  For the finish, I used a Transtint dye to darken and even out the color, then shellac.  After rubbing out the finish I applied a coat of dark brown paste wax.  It took me a year to build.  Drawings were completed in August of 2022 and started building in September 2022.  Secretary completed September 9 2023. 
It was built as close to the way the original was (from what I could tell from the pictures) except the base.  Rather than having molding at bottom applied to case I used the frame method used in Boston.
The entire build was recorded and posted on You Tube (Papa's Workshop).